Sunday, June 01, 2008


I have been knitting too, but I never did show what I knit recently since they were a baby gift for a dear friend. My good friend Kimber (4 years now!) that was the mama I met who introduced me to AW and the cool cloth diapers gave birth to her beautiful baby girl Brooke Kaylee just a few days ago. I am so very happy for her and her husband. She was a long time coming and I bet she is going to be so showered with love. If it wasn't for Kimber I would never have tried cloth diapering again. With Jordan we used a diaper service for a bit, but it was such a hassle living in a security building, not to mention no one showed me how to properly use the Proraps so I never really got a good hang of it. Kimber set me straight. I remember the first time we hung out in person and saying to her "You sew your own diapers?" "I can sew..." as my mind starting working overboard lol. I didn't actually do anything more than serge some prefolds & sew some wool covers back then. The sheer amount of awesome cloth out there to choose from was enough to keep me busy building a stash. A month later Damien was pretty much all in cloth. Ah, I love reminiscing. So here is the sweet ruffled capris I knit for Miss Brooke Kaylee. Filled with extra love!

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