Monday, June 30, 2008

Cherry Picking

We haven't been fruit picking outside since we moved to Idaho. Yesterday we drove about half an hour from here and picked cherries. $1.30/pound when they are $5.99/pound at the market is fantastic. We had such a great time we are going back in a couple weeks for apricots.We ended up with ten pounds of cherries, which we ate a bunch of already. Plus I made a fresh cherry pie last night. It was so yummy. I prefer cobblers, but they all wanted pie so I was outnumbered. No pie picture though as it overflowed and wasn't very pretty.

Friday, June 06, 2008


That is all from my garden! Yummy.

Monday, June 02, 2008


OMG I just love Crazy Aunt Purl. I am not an every day reader of any blog at all but she cracks me up every.single.time. she posts. You have got to go read her blog for today. Oh, if you read the Yarn Harlot first it is even funnier. William Shatner & Slash, oh my! I bet I would have a blast hanging out dropping stitches knitting and getting drunk sipping wine with her knitting group if I go back to LA for a visit. Hmm, I may have to put that on my tentative to-do list.

I'm hoping in the next year or so to make it out there. The kiddos are long overdue for a visit to Disneyland and I miss some of my old friends. I want to stay a bit longer this time so I can make sure to hit all of the places I want to eat. Funny how when we go back I plan each day around where we *have* to eat. Philippe's, The Farmer's Market, Mucho Mas, good sushi somewhere for Rob, Electric Lotus, Mazzarino's and my mind fails me on the others right now but I have a master list somewhere. I love living out here except for the lack of ethnic food. You could get anything you wanted at any time of day and that totally rocked! We are pretty limited here with our restaurant selections. Good yummy food, but it just isn't the same. I do really love Carraba's even though it's a chain. I would say it is my favorite restaurant out here, besides the uber-expensive Mona Lisa.

Sunday, June 01, 2008


I have been knitting too, but I never did show what I knit recently since they were a baby gift for a dear friend. My good friend Kimber (4 years now!) that was the mama I met who introduced me to AW and the cool cloth diapers gave birth to her beautiful baby girl Brooke Kaylee just a few days ago. I am so very happy for her and her husband. She was a long time coming and I bet she is going to be so showered with love. If it wasn't for Kimber I would never have tried cloth diapering again. With Jordan we used a diaper service for a bit, but it was such a hassle living in a security building, not to mention no one showed me how to properly use the Proraps so I never really got a good hang of it. Kimber set me straight. I remember the first time we hung out in person and saying to her "You sew your own diapers?" "I can sew..." as my mind starting working overboard lol. I didn't actually do anything more than serge some prefolds & sew some wool covers back then. The sheer amount of awesome cloth out there to choose from was enough to keep me busy building a stash. A month later Damien was pretty much all in cloth. Ah, I love reminiscing. So here is the sweet ruffled capris I knit for Miss Brooke Kaylee. Filled with extra love!


Holy cow was I hit with a surprise today. I went out to check on the garden and see where it needed water. We have been having rain off and on since last night. Actually more like drizzle. It has been pretty warm though, so I wanted to check the soil and see which areas needed water since I knew not all of them would. I got to the most recent radishes planted on 4/13 and encountered what I have named ‘Radzilla’. Now, I know it has been about 6 or 7 weeks since they were planted, but for some reason the four squares of that corner have a really hard time germinating, so it took a long while to sprout. I actually only got a few radishes out of the 16 I planted. I know it wasn’t the seeds either because pretty much every other one grew in the other box. Anyhow, Radzilla is about 2.5” in diameter and nearly 1.5” high! You can see my ring next to it for comparison. I’m almost scared to eat it. lol.