Monday, April 28, 2008

Busy busy!

Today I am planting the remaining 2 squares of carrots and 1 square of lettuce that i didn't manage to do before I left for Florida. I am also planting 48 strawberry plants, 14 arbor day trees (some sort of pine?), and 14 raspberry plants. The trees are last on my list they may not get in until tomorrow. However with all of us working together and it staying sunny until late now, we should be good to go. Rob got me a tiller yesterday so I am going to tear the crud out of the soil today and make it nice and fluffy for the raspberries.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Still around

My Grandpa passed away on April 14th and I have been away in Florida. I will post an update in the next few days, but I wanted to let you all know that I haven't disappeared.

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

A brighter shade of white

Yup, you guessed it. SNOW. I have my husband to thank for that one. He remarked to me yesterday that for sure we have had our last frost for the year. I explained that it normally is still another month out. Even though the weather is nice, I wouldn't be surprised if we had snow between now and Mother's Day. Well thankyouverymuch Murphy's Law. I woke up the kids for school and was glancing out the window as I walked down the hallway and did a double take. What did my little ole eyes see? Snow all over. Hopefully the sun will come out quickly and melt it all since I should be having lots more radish sprouts soon. Maybe if I go outside and sing like Little Orphan Annie...

With that, I leave you with this picture of me moving dirt sans shovel, because shovels just slow ya down.

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

We have radish germination

So exciting, I had to make a second post today. :) While I was outside watering I saw our first radish sprout. 12 days is what it took. Not bad considering we have had snow since I planted, and I had a bit of a rocky watering start. I cannot wait until we get our first harvest.

A picture is worth a thousand words

Notice anything different? *grin* The upper left box will have 2-3 tomatoes, basil & marigolds. Upper right box will have 8 square feet of peppers, 3 square feet of purple onions, 1 square foot of green onions, 1 square foot of chives, 1 square foot of nasturtiums, and 2 squares undecided. The bottom two boxes will be filled with 48 beautiful strawberry plants. We love strawberries! I am going to dig up the grass behind the boxes and transplant some raspberry bushes back there. We still have lots more of the soil mix too, so once I get the grass up, I will add the soil in there. You can't really see from this angle, but there is I think 6 or 7 feet behind the boxes.

I also planted 1 square of onions, 1 square lettuce, 2 squares carrots. I discovered too that I think I wasn't getting enough watering done. :( I was using the misting suggested by SFG, but after being out there working for hours upon hours over the last few days, I noticed it kept drying out really quick. I seem to have come up with a better watering system for now, so we will see if it helps. Hopefully since I caught the issue within the first couple weeks, it hasn't done too much damage, just slowed germination, especially since it has been raining some.

I'll be going out later today to place the grids on all but the tomato box.

Sunday, April 06, 2008

And the winner is...


Congratulations, I will be contacting you for your address to ship your goodies. :)

Thursday, April 03, 2008


and sprout again. Two itty bitty purple onion sprouts have made their way through! So exciting. I first saw the one, but upon careful scrutiny, I saw sprout number two. Proud mama today. I am sure I will be even prouder when my big kids bring their report cards home from school. No other news on the gardening front. Just watering and waiting. I found a great deal on strawberry plants thanks to my friend so I will order those tomorrow.

I have started on a very special gift for Kimber's sweet baby girl. I hope to finish it in time to get it to her baby shower. I need one more thing for it which I should have tomorrow to help me with it. They have been waiting many years for this baby and I have all my fingers crossed that she patiently waits another 2 months to meet her mama, papa & big brother.

Tomorrow is the last day of my contest.