Thursday, April 03, 2008


and sprout again. Two itty bitty purple onion sprouts have made their way through! So exciting. I first saw the one, but upon careful scrutiny, I saw sprout number two. Proud mama today. I am sure I will be even prouder when my big kids bring their report cards home from school. No other news on the gardening front. Just watering and waiting. I found a great deal on strawberry plants thanks to my friend so I will order those tomorrow.

I have started on a very special gift for Kimber's sweet baby girl. I hope to finish it in time to get it to her baby shower. I need one more thing for it which I should have tomorrow to help me with it. They have been waiting many years for this baby and I have all my fingers crossed that she patiently waits another 2 months to meet her mama, papa & big brother.

Tomorrow is the last day of my contest.

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